Still in production, the play "Inferno" will be a reinterpretation of Dante's Inferno in a modern key, through music and dance.
The music will be composed by young Genoese talents (Pietro de Marchis, Salvatore Padula, Giovanni Magnozzi, Alberto Moscone and Marcello Librandi) and will be performed by an orchestra made up of 40 Genoese boys, accompanied by a dance troupe of 25 dancers.
The show will be staged at the Teatro della Corte on 11 May 2021 .
The entire proceeds from the evening will go to the Children's Renal Disease Fund, a non-profit organization that collaborates with the Genoa branch.
For the realization of the show, the association obtained the patronage from
and from Genoa.
Directed by Giovanni Magnozzi, directed and set by Chiara Giovannini, choreographed by Ginevra Ferro and Beatrice Massone, text by Chiara Giovannini and Atlas Bianchi, with the artistic direction of Manuel Pala.
I biglietti sono reperibili presso la biglietteria del Teatro della Corte (Viale Luca D'Aosta)
e presso il negozio 2M (Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci) a Genova.
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