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Do you know what happens to me when we enter to November and get closer to 25th or when we enter to march and get closer to 8th? To be honest, my whole body is full of hate, from what? From all of the lies we spread to the world or that we have sprinkled on the whole world.

I’m similar to all of you. I write something every year. I write a poem. I say a slogan. But Let's to be realistic: Has anything changed? The answer is NO. Actually it has gotten worse, why? Because we spread variety of our slogans in the virtual world and not in the real world. We sit behind our monitors and shout and we do not see the real virulence around us.

When 25 November comes, the world turns to orange. Everywhere, Everyone. Even axes to hands, mouths, thoughts, and pockets turn orange. But is there a woman in the universe who has never been overshadowed by the wounds of violence (all types of violence) on her and her life by any man, any law, any policy or society and by any means? If you know such a woman, bring her the smiles and greetings of all the women of the world.

PS: Of course, in today's world many women silences have been broken, it is good for all women. We have defined and retold all these narrations. But do you know what is bad, Is it too bad? Unfortunately, everything is in its place. You know what?

I come to say that is enough and don't go the wrong way anymore. Please.



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