Turkey has been going through very bad days lately. For 5-6 days, 125 fires broke out in Turkey. and 117 of them were taken under control. but 8 of them have been going on for days and countless creatures living in the forests have died. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but it is suspected to be arson. Fires continue to break out in different regions. Of course, extremely hot weather makes it difficult to extinguish these fires. The fact that these fires only broke out in holiday resorts frightens tourists. maybe it was an arson made so that tourists wouldn't come, I don't know. but I know that no matter which country the fire starts in, it is not only the problem of that country, forest fires should be a global problem because this is our world. Just as I can't sleep comfortably now, I can't sleep when there is such a fire problem in another country. I think everyone should be like that. Let me tell you a little more about the effects of the fire so that you can understand the difficulty of the situation. 7 people died in this fire so far. and 3 of these 7 people died while helping to put out the fire. It's so painful and bad!
now all turkey is mobilized and everyone is going to the fire areas to help. people had to leave their homes. they are trying to save the animals they can save, and in the process, many veterinary clinics said that they can take care of the animals for free.. People are trying to put out the fire with water bottles in their hands, many people's houses were burned, their lands were burned, in some regions whole villages were burned. and places close to settlements burned. Both animals, forests and people were severely damaged. I'm leaving you now with a few photos describing the size of the fire.
