Innovation and creativity have always been skills that have helped humanity to adapt to different circumstances and, therefore, have played a leading role in the survival of the species. Today more than ever, in a world in crisis, it is necessary to make use of these innate capacities that we human beings possess to stay afloat and not die trying. The young
people are experts in generating creative solutions to specific problems, for this reason, it is said that youth is the stage where the human being has the greatest capacity to adapt. Because this facility has young people to create, the promotion of youth
entrepreneurship is so relevant.
In this sense, the Dominican Republic has been setting a trend in the world, encouraging an
entrepreneurial culture in youth and hosting important events in this area, such as the 2019
international competition Company of the Year (COY), organized by the NGO, Junior Achievement Dominicana. This competition is considered the most important event held in the field of youth entrepreneurship in the latin-american and caribbean region; In its 11th version in 2019, this event was attended by 200 delegates between 15 and 20 years of age, coming from 20 countries including Canada. Similarly, the main universities in the Dominican Republic have entrepreneurship centers where ‘business incubators’ operate, which is a program to support the entrepreneur while strengthening his business idea, and likewise, activities such as ‘entrepreneur competencies’ are carried out that seeks to promote an entrepreneurial culture by challenging young people to create innovative ideas that respond to palpable challenges that affect their environment.
For this year 2021, the Government of the Dominican Republic, through the Ministry of Youth, has continued to support the youth entrepreneurship strategy and recently officially presented the Dominicana Emprende Project (PREMDE), a program that recognizes entrepreneurial proposals through a national call; this program is aimed at supporting innovative ideas and has the prominent Dominican businessman José Luis Corripio Estrada
as its main figure. Some outstanding startups of Dominican origin are: - Neurosity: it is a technology startup co-founded by a young Dominican named Alex Castillo, who has developed a device called “Notion”, capable of capturing neuronal activity as electrical impulses through electrodes. Less than a millisecond later, "Notion" receives the captured data and instantly processes it into Significant scores such as concentration, calm, and kinesis.
- Passfort: is a device created by young Dominicans, in the form of a "smart keychain", which allows creating, storing, and using secure passwords for all digital accounts (email, social networks, online stores, internet banking, mobile applications, etc. .), regardless of the device used: smartphone, tablet or computer. This “smart keychain” is capable of linking with other devices via USB or Bluetooth, and does not require the installation of external software to use it. It is also compatible with the main operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac
OS, and Linux. These projects show that young people can create impressive solutions that respond to specific problems and generate a positive impact on people's
lives, and what are you going to create today?
